Mon - Fri : 09:00-18:00
Sat : 09:00-15:00 Sun : CLOSED
+1 778 895 8255
#101-4341 North Road
Burnaby, BC V3N 4N3
SOMA Wellness Center
Soma Acupuncture Clinic offers Traditional Eastern Medicine integrated with modern scientific analysis and technology. We aim to address and solve the root of the problem and provide preventive care that helps avoid progression into more severe illnesses.
Special Diagnosis
- MRA Scan: 600 items check
- MRI Scan: 3D check
Insurance Benefit
- Insurance Benefit
- Company Insurance
- Travel Insurance
각종 보험혜택
여행자 보험
Pain Clinic
No matter how severe or minor ache these pain are, any discomfort on a part of the body could negatively affect the quality of one’s life.
Chronic Pain, Chronic Headache, Migraine, Shoulder Pain, Disk Problem, Lumbar Pain, Frozen Shoulder, Spinal Deformity, Plantar Fascitis, Sprain, Osteoarthritis, Elbow, Ankle, All Pain
급만성 통증, 만성 두통, 편두통, 어깨통증, 디스크문제, 요통, 오십견, 척추측만, 족저근막염, 염좌, 퇴행성 관절염, 엘보우, 발목, 모든 통증
Body Frame Adjustment
Body Correcton
Face Asymmetry Correction
체형교정 / 뼈교정 / 얼굴비대칭교정
When you have bad posture or even posture that’s only slightly out of alignment, your bones do not line up vertically or horizontally.
Shoulder, Cervical, Jaw, TMJ, Spinal deformity, O.X Leg, Pelvis Correction, Neck Scoliosis
어깨, 목, 턱, 턱관절 장애, 척추측만, OX 다리 교정, 골반 교정, 어깨 목 교정, 측만증 교정
Internal Disease
내과 질환
Stomachache, Digestive Disorder, Hyperacidity, Reflux Esophagitis, Asthma, Tonsillitis, Parkinson's Disease, Large intestine, Rhinitis, Dementia, Memory Lapse, Tinnitus
복통, 위장병(위담), 위산과다, 역류성식도염, 천식, 만성편도염, 파킨슨, 안압, 비염, 이명, 치매, 기억력 감퇴, 키성장 프로그램
Golgi Nerve Therapy
All Nerve Problem, Brain Problem, Parkenson's Disease, Eye Power, Eye Problem
모든 신경 질환, 뇌질환, 신경통증, 파킨슨, 눈질환, 안과 통증, 팔다리저림, 허리
Natural Medicine
자연 요법 치료
Weight Control Program
요요없는 체중 감량 프로그램
Acupuncture may not substitute for exercise and a healthy diet.
But it can help in the process of weight control by regulating the digestive and endocrine systems.
14 days Detox Diet : lose 5kg ~ 10kg + a
14일 해독보약 다이어트 : 5kg ~ 10kg + a 감량
자연 요법
Natural Medicine
상응 원리침 치료
Body Scan & Electromagnetic Therapy